前言:近期在恩约教会讲解《多特信经》,我一直强调,所谓的加尔文主义五要点,并非改革宗教会自己主动把神学缩减为五点,而是回应抗辩派(即亚米念派)在1610年所提出的《抗辩五点》(Five articles of Remonstrance)。因此,最先提出所谓“五要点”的是亚米念派。完整的改革宗神学体系总结在《比利时信条》和《海德堡要理问答》当中,而《多特信经》只是回应特定的五点错误。因此,我们不能错误的认为,只要相信所谓加尔文主义五要点,或者甚至四要点就都可以被称为“改革宗”。这是非常危险和错误的简化。为了更好的理解《多特信经》中的具体的条款内容,有必要把这抗辩五点翻译成中文,供更多信徒和教牧人员参考。在此我以菲利普·沙夫 (Philip Schaff) 整理的文本作为基础进行中文翻译。1
第一点、上帝在创立世界之前,在他的儿子耶稣基督里的一个永恒的、不可改变的计划中,决定从堕落的、有罪的人类中,为基督的缘故,并通过基督,拯救那些通过圣灵的恩典,相信他的儿子耶稣,并通过这恩典,在信心和信心带来的顺服中坚持到最后的人。另一方面,[他决定]把那些不可救药和不信的人留在罪和忿怒之下,咒诅他们与基督有隔绝,根据《约翰福音》三章36节的话:“信子的人有永生;不信子的人不能看见生命;神的忿怒常在他身上”,以及其他经文。 英文译本 Art. I. That God, by an eternal, unchangeable purpose in Jesus Christ his Son, before the foundation of the world, hath determined, out of the fallen, sinful race of men, to save in Christ, for Christ’s sake, and through Christ, those who, through the grace of the Holy Ghost, shall believe on this his Son Jesus, and shall persevere in this faith and obedience of faith, through this grace, even to the end; and, on the other hand, to leave the incorrigible and unbelieving in sin and under wrath, and to condemn them as alienate from Christ, according to the word of the gospel in John iii. 36: ‘He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him,’ and according to other passages of Scripture also. 拉丁文原本 Art. I. Deus æterno et immutabili decreto in Christo Jesu Filio suo, ante jacta mundi fundamenta, statuit ex genere humano in peccatum prolapso, eos in Christo, propter Christum, et per Christum salvare, qui per gratiam Spiritus Sancti in eundem Filium suum credituri, inque ea ipsa fide et obedientia fidei, per eandem gratiam, usque ad finem essent perseveraturi; contra vero contumacio et incredulos, sub peccato et ira relinquere et condemnare, tanquam a Christo alienos; juxta verbum Evangelii Joh. iii. 36: ‘Qui credit in Filium, habet vitam æternam, qui vero Filio non obtemperat, non videbit vitam, sed ira Dei manet super ipsum.‘ Cui alia quoque Scripturæ dicta respondent. 荷兰文原本 Art. I. Dat Godt door een eeuwich, onveranderlyck besluyt, in JESU CHRISTO, synen Soone, eer des werelts grondt gheleydt was, besloten heeft, uyt het ghevallene sondighe Menschelyck geslachte, die ghene in CHRISTO, om CHRISTUS wille, ende door CHRISTUM salich te maecken, die door de ghenade des heylighen Gheestes, in den selven synen Soone JESUMghelooven, ende in den selven gheloove, ende ghoorsaemheyt des gheloofs, door de selve ghenade, totten eynde toe volherden souden: en daer tegens, de onbekeerlycke, en ongelovige in de sonde, en onder de toorne te laten, en te verdoemen, als vreemt van CHRISTO: naer ’t woordt des H. Evangelij by Johannem iii. 36: ‘Wie in den Sone ghelooft, die heeft het eeuwighe leven, ende wie den Soone ongehoorsaem is, die en sal het leven niet sien, maer de toorne Gods blyft op hem,’ ende andere plaetsen der schrifturen meer. |
第二点、因此,世界的救主耶稣基督为所有人和每个人而死,所以他通过在十字架上的死亡,为他们所有人获取了救赎和赦罪;然而,除了信徒,没有人真正享受到这赦罪,根据《约翰福音》三章16节的话:“神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生”;在《约翰壹书》二章2节:“他为我们的罪孽作了挽回祭,不仅为我们的罪孽,也为全世界的罪孽。” 英文译本 Art. II.That, agreeably thereto, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, died for all men and for every man, so that he has obtained for them all, by his death on the cross, redemption and the forgiveness of sins; yet that no one actually enjoys this forgiveness of sins except the believer, according to the word of the Gospel of John iii. 16: ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ And in the First Epistle of John ii. 2: ‘And he is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.’ 拉丁文原本 Art. II. Proinde Jesus Christus, Mundi Salvator, pro omnibus et singulis hominibus mortuus est, omnibusque per mortem crucis promeritus reconciliationem et remissionem peccatorum; ita tamen ut nemo remissionis illius reipsa particeps fiat, præter credentes, idque etiam secundum verba Evangelii Joannis iii. 16: ‘Ita Deus dilexit Mundum, ut Filium suum unigenitum dederit, ut quisquis credit in eum, non pereat, sed habeat vitam æternam.’ Et epistola priore Joannis, Cap. ii. v. 2: ‘Ipsa est propitiatio pro peccatis nostris, nec pro nostris tantum, sed etiam pro totius Mundi peccatis.‘ 荷兰文原本 Art. II. Dat desen volghende, Jezus Christus de salichmaecher des Werelts, voor alle ende yeder Mensch ghestorven is: alsoo dat hyse alle door den doodt des Cruyces, de versoeninghe ende verghevinghe der sonden verworven heeft; alsoo nochtans dat niemandt deselve verghevinghe der sonden dadelyck gheniet, dan de Gheloovighe: mede naer ’t Woort des Euangely by Johannem, Cap. iii. 16: ‘Soo lief heeft Godt de Werelt gehadt, dat hy synen eenighen Soone ghegeven heeft, opdat al, die in hem ghelooft, niet en vergae, maer het eeuwighe leven hebbe.’ Ende in den eersten Brief Johannis int ii. vers2: ‘Hy is de versoeninge voor onse sonden; en niet alleene voor onse, moer voor des gantsche Werelts sonden. |
第三点、人本身没有得救的恩典,也没有自由意志的能量,因为他在离经叛道和犯罪的状态下,自己既不能思考,也不能做任何真正的善行(比如有极大的信心)。他需要在基督里从神那里重生,通过他的圣灵,在理解、倾向或意志和他的所有能力上得到更新,以便他可以正确地理解、思考、意志和实现真正的善,根据基督的话,《约翰福音》十五章5节:“离了我,你们就不能做什么。” 英文译本 Art. III. That man has not saving grace of himself, nor of the energy of his free will, inasmuch as he, in the state of apostasy and sin, can of and by himself neither think, will, nor do any thing that is truly good (such as saving Faith eminently is); but that it is needful that he be born again of God in Christ, through his Holy Spirit, and renewed in understanding, inclination, or will, and all his powers, in order that he may rightly understand, think, will, and effect what is truly good, according to the Word of Christ, John xv. 5: ‘Without me ye can do nothing.’ 拉丁文原本 Art. III. Homo salvificam fidem non habet a se, neque ex liberi arbitrii sui viribus, quandoquidem in statu apostasiæ et peccati nihil boni(quod quidem vere bonum sit, cujusmodi in primis est fides salvifica) ex se et a se potest cogitare, velle autfacere; sed necessarium est ut a Deo, in Christo, per Spiritum ipsius Sanctum regeneretur atque renovetur, intellectu, affectibus seu voluntate, omnibusque viribus, ut vere bonum recti possit intelligere, meditari, velle atque proficere sicut scriptum est Joh. xv. 5: ‘Sine me nihil potestis facere.‘ 荷兰文原本 Art. III. Dat de Mensche ’t salichmaeckende Gheloove van hem selven niet en heeft; noch uyt cracht van synen vryen wille, alsoo hy in den stant der afwyckinghe ende der sonden niet goets, dat waerlyck goet is(gelych insonderheyt is het salichmaeckende gheloove) uyt ende van hem selven, can dencken, willen ofte doen. Maar dat het van noode is, dat hy van Godt, in Christo;door synen heilighen Geest, werde herboren en vernieut, in verstant, affectie, oft wille, ende alle crachten, opdat hy het ware goet te recht moge verstaen, bedencken, willen, ende volbrenghen, naer ’t woordt Christi, Johann. xiii. 5: ‘Sonder my en condt ghy niet doen.‘ |
第四点、神的这种恩典是善行的开始、持续和完成,甚至到了这样的程度,即重生的人本身,如果没有这种先在的或协助的、唤醒的、跟随的和合作的恩典,就不会思考、意愿并做任何的善行,也不会经受任何邪恶的诱惑;因此,所有可以想象的善行或运动都必须归功于基督里的神的恩典。但是,关于这种恩典的运作方式,它并不是不可抗拒的,因为经上记载,有许多人抵挡圣灵,如在《使徒行传》第七章,以及其他许多地方。 英文译本 Art. IV. That this grace of God is the beginning, continuance, and accomplishment of all good, even to this extent, that the regenerate man himself, without prevenient or assisting, awakening, following and cooperative grace, can neither think, will, nor do good, nor withstand any temptations to evil; so that all good deeds or movements, that can be conceived, must be ascribed to the grace of God in Christ. But as respects the mode of the operation of this grace, it is not irresistible, inasmuch as it is written concerning many, that they have resisted the Holy Ghost. Acts vii., and elsewhere in many places. 拉丁文原本 Art. IV. Hæc Dei gratia est principium, progressus et complimentum omnis boni; adeo quidem ut ne ipse quidem regenitus absque præcedente sive præveniente ista, excitante, prosequente et cooperante gratia, bonum cogitare, velle, aut peragere possit, ullisve ad malum tentationibus resistere, ita ut omnia bona opera actionesque, quas quis cogitando potest adsequi, gratiæ Dei in Christo adscribenda sint. Cœterum, quod ad modum operationis ejus gratiæ attinet, non est ille irresistibilis, quandoquidem scriptum est de multis, quod ‘Spiritui Sancto restiterint.‘ Act. vii. et alibi locis compluribus. 荷兰文原本 Art. IV. Dat dese ghenade Godts is het beginsel, de voortganck ende volbrenginghe alles goets, oock soo verre, dat de wedergeboren Mensche selfs, sonder dese voorgaende ofte toecommende, opweckende, volgende ende medewerckende ghenade, noch het goede dencken, willen ofte doen can, noch oock eenighe tentatien ten quade wederstaen: soodat alle goede daden, ofte werckinghen die men bedencken kan de ghenade Godts in Christo moeten toegeschreven worden. Maer soo vele de maniere van de werckinghe derselver ghenade aengaet, die en is niet onwederstandelyck: want daer staet van velen geschreven, dat sy den heyligen Geest wederstaen heben. Actor. vii.ende elders op vele plaetsen. |
第五点、那些通过真信心融入基督,并因此有份于他赐生命之灵的人,因此有充分的能力与撒旦、罪恶、世界和他们自己的肉体斗争,并赢得胜利,人们清楚地认识到,这永远是通过圣灵的协助恩典;在一切的试探中,耶稣基督借着他的灵帮助他们,向他们伸出他的手;只要他们为争战做好准备。只要他们愿意接受他的帮助,不消极怠工,就能使他们不至于跌倒,这样他们就不会被撒旦的诡计或力量所误导,也不会从基督的手中被夺去,根据基督的话,《约翰福音》十章28节:“任何人也不能从我手中夺走他们。” 但是,他们是否能够因为疏忽而再次放弃他们在基督里的生命,再次回到邪恶世界,离开传递给他们的神圣教义,失去良心,失去恩典,在我们自己能充分的说服自己并教导这一切之前,我们必须从圣经中更具体地确定。 英文译本 Art. V. That those who are incorporated into Christ by a true faith, and have thereby become partakers of his life-giving Spirit, have thereby full power to strive against Satan, sin, the world, and their own flesh, and to win the victory; it being well understood that it is ever through the assisting grace of the Holy Ghost; and that Jesus Christ assists them through his Spirit in all temptations, extends to them his hand, and if only they are ready for the conflict, and desire his help, and are not inactive, keeps them from falling, so that they, by no craft or power of Satan, can be misled nor plucked out of Christ’s hands, according to the Word of Christ, John x. 28: ‘Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.’ But whether they are capable, through negligence, of forsaking again the first beginnings of their life in Christ, of again returning to this present evil world, of turning away from the holy doctrine which was delivered them, of losing a good conscience, of becoming devoid of grace, that must be more particularly determined out of the Holy Scripture, before we ourselves can teach it with the full persuasion of our minds. 拉丁文原本 Art. V. Ei qui Christo vera fide insiti, ac per consequens vivificantis ejus Spiritus participes facti sunt, abunde instructi sunt viribus, quibus adversus Satanam, peccatum, Mundum, suamque carnem possint pugnare, atque adeo etiam victoriam ab iis referre; semper tamen (quod cautum volumus) auxilio gratiæ Spiritus Sancti; et Jesus Christus ipsis, per Spiritum suum, in omnibus tentationibus adsistit, manum porrigit, ac eosdem (si modo ad pugnam ipsi parati sint, ejusque opem deposcant, sibique ipsis non desint) fulcit ac confirmat, ita ut nulla fraude aut vi Satanæ seduci, aut ex Christi manibus eripi possint, juxta dictum Christi Joh. x.: ‘Oves meas nemo rapiet ex manu mea.‘Cœterum, utrum iidem non possint per socordiam τὴν ἀρχὴν τῆς ὑποστάσεως χριστοῦ καταλείπειν, et præsentem mundum iterum amplecti, a sancta doctrina ipsis semel tradita recedere, bonam conscientiam amittere, gratiamque negligere; esset prius accuratius ex Sacra Scriptura inquirendum quam nos illud possemus alios cum πληροφορία animi nostri docere. 荷兰文原本 Art. V. Dat die Jesu Christo,door een ware gheloove syn inghelyft, ende oversulcx syns levendighmaeckenden Gheestes deelachtig zyn gheworden, overvloedighe cracht hebben, omme teghens den satan, de sonde, de Werelt, ende haer eygen vleesche te stryden, en de overwinninge te vercrygen. Welverstaende altydt, door den bystand van de ghenade des heyligen Geestes: ende dat JesusChristushaer door synen Gheest in alle tentatien bystaet, de handt biet, ende, so sy maer alleene ten stryde bereyt zyn, ende syn hulpe begeeren, ende in geenen ghebreke zyn, staende hout, alsoo dat se door gheene listichheyt noch ghewelt des Satans verleyt, oft uyt Christihanden connen ghetrocken worden, near ’t woordt Christi, Joh. x.: ‘Niemandt en salse uyt myne handen rucken.‘Maer of de selve niet en connen, door naelaticheyt, het beginsel haers Wesens in Christoverlaten; de teghenwoordighe Werelt wederom aennemen: van de Heylighe Leere, hen eenmael ghegheven, afwycken: de goede conscientie verliesen: de ghenade verwaerloosen: soude eerst moeten naerder uyt de Heylige Schriftuere ondersocht zyn, eer wy ’t selve met volle verseeckeringhe onses ghemoets souden connen leeren. |
抗辩派认为,这些被提出并教导的观点,符合上帝的话语,能建造人,其内容对救赎来说是足够的,在这些问题上,升高或降低都没有必要,也不能建造人。 英文译本 These Articles, thus set forth and taught, the Remonstrants deem agreeable to the Word of God, tending to edification, and, as regards this argument, sufficient for salvation, so that it is not necessary or edifying to rise higher or to descend deeper. 拉丁文原文 Hos igitur articulos ita propositos et traditos censent Remonstrantes divino Verbo conformos, ædificationi idoneos, et in hoc quidem argumento sufficientes ad salutem; ita ut necessarium non sit, aut ædificationi serviens, vel altius conscendere vel inferius subsidere. 荷兰文原文 Dese puncten alsoo voorgedragen ende geleert, houden sy Remonstranten den woorde Godts gelyckformich te wesen, stichtelyck, ende in dese materie ghenoechsaem ter salicheit, sonder dat het van noode zy, oft oock stichtelych, hooger te climmen, ofte lager te dalen. |
- Philip Schaff, Creeds of Christendom, Vol.3, pp.546-49. 翻译粗浅,欢迎各位斧正。 ↩︎
王一牧师,北美联合改革宗教会(URCNA)牧师,曾毕业于加州西敏神学院(Westminster Seminary California),获道学与历史神学双硕士;现为阿帕多恩神学大学(Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn)教会历史博士候选人。
王一牧师,北美联合改革宗教会(URCNA)牧师,毕业于加州西敏神学院(Westminster Seminary California),获道学与历史神学双硕士;现为阿帕多恩神学大学(Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn)教会历史博士候选人。